Event created by Midnight
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In Wolverhampton, a machine operator has had a workplaceaccident, and his hand is crushed in an industrial press. Themachine can't be released and, after 90 minutes, the man isstill stuck. If he can't be freed, he could quickly developlife-threatening complications. While engineers and the fireservice make last-ditch efforts to release the press, thecritical care team prepare to amputate the man's limb in orderto save him. One of the newest members of the critical careteam, paramedic Ben Rean, is on shift with one of the mostexperienced — critical care practitioner Faye Pollock.They're called to a cemetery in Oldbury, where a man isreported to have collapsed while visiting a grave. They find76-year-old Trevor in cardiac arrest and must performlife-saving treatment. With a combination of CPR and electricshocks with a defibrillator, they manage to restart Trevor'sheart just as the ambulance arrives at hospital. InBirmingham, a terrified caller alerts 999 to a man beingviolently attacked in the street outside their house. Policefirearms officers are dispatched to the scene as well ascritical care paramedic Jack Lewis and Dr Andy Owen. The man isfound to be suffering from horrific wounds, which are believedto have been inflicted with a machete: one arm is nearlydetached and bleeding heavily. The man needs urgent surgery.Andy and Jack must get him to hospital safely before it's toolate. The critical care team are called to a house fire inAston. One man is reported to have escaped the fire, but hassince disappeared — and fire crews fear more people couldstill be trapped inside. A search soon reveals the man seenleaving the premises is former nurse David. It transpires thathe doesn't live in the property, but bravely entered to try toput the fire out. Dr Hadassah Ihlenfeldt assesses David to seewhether he has any serious injuries.