Event created by Midnight
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On return from suspension, DI Perez reunites with Tosh as theymeet the owners of a local B&B, Rachel and Danny Cairns,who are frantic with worry over the sudden disappearance oftheir son, Connor. New to Shetland, the family moved fromGlasgow after Connor suffered a breakdown. Rachel worries thathistory has repeated itself, but Perez suspects they arehiding something.Perez, Tosh and Sandy find that Connor waswell known and much loved, with many worried about hiswhereabouts. Interviews with his sister, Abbie, and hisgirlfriend, Bryd, highlight Connor's fraught relationshipwith his father, which sometimes saw him escape to his ‘safeplace'.The case takes a dramatic turn when Tosh discovers DannyCairns' past life and the reasons behind their suddenrelocation to Shetland. As the ghosts of Danny's pastresurface, Perez and his team are under pressure to protectthe Cairns family and find Connor before it's too late.