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In the series premiere, "The Faithful Investor," Goldbergintroduces viewers to Aubrey Lee Price, a once beloved Georgiapastor turned financial advisor. Price, who came to boast over100 clients in his portfolio and millions of dollars inassets, turned his attention to a floundering small-town bankin need of funding. An opportunity that he thought would be hiscash cow ended up being "the nail in his coffin." He had no wayto pay back his investors, most of whom were the faithfulparishioners who trusted Price with their life savings whenthings did not go as planned. The father of four boarded aferry from Key West to Fort Myers, Florida, after sendingwhat amounted to suicide notes to friends and family. Hedisappeared in June 2012 while his victims were left to pick upthe pieces of their lives and ruined retirements, but aroutine traffic stop solved the mystery of what happened toAubrey Lee Price. "The Faithful Investor" includes interviewswith Price's victims, attorneys and even the preacherhimself, who takes a turn at confession.