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The broadcast features a new interview with Los AngelesDistrict Attorney George Gascón, who recently filed amotion for a resentencing hearing for the brothers. As ascripted tv show reignitespublic interest in the Menendez case, Dateline willreport on the latest, including a letter seemingly writtenby Erik to his cousin before the murders.During TheMenendez Brothers: Chance at Freedom, the prosecutor fromthe brothers' 1993 trial, Pamela Bozanich, opens up aboutdefending herself against a wave of recent online criticism.She tells Morrison in a new interview that she bought aMossberg shotgun to arm herself, which is the same type ofgun used in the killings of the brothers' parents.Theepisode also features interviews with additional keyplayers in the case, including never-before-aired excerptsfrom Morrison's 2017 interview with Lyle.