Event created by Midnight
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Star Power – Scott Pelley goes inside Lawrence LivermoreLaboratory's National Ignition Facility, home of the world'slargest laser, which recently reported a breakthrough infusion research. It's a step towards realizing a new source ofclean energy. Hide and Seek – The tiny island nation ofCyprus in the eastern Mediterranean has long been a financialhub of choice for wealthy Russians to move their rublesoffshore. But, this practice is now under intense scrutiny byU.S. and EU investigators looking for the hidden overseaswealth of sanctioned Russian oligarchs. Sharyn Alfonsi reportsfrom Cyprus to follow the money and speak with Cypruspoliticians and U.S. prosecutors untangling this intricateinternational flow of funds. The Guru – Anderson Cooperprofiles prolific music producer Rick Rubin, a tastemaker whoguides his artists to tap into their creativity with the mostunorthodox approach – using practices like meditation toshape the work rather than marketing to the masses.