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Nancy oversees the care of Jill Mellor and her newborn baby,Mylene, a child she has had out of wedlock with Spencer Wray,a young man from the West Indies. Jill and Spencer live withhis kind-hearted mother, Florence. Not long after the birth,Spencer's behaviour starts to raise concerns as it becomesincreasingly erratic. Worried, Nancy calls on Dr Turner whorefers Spencer for an urgent psychiatric review, but asSpencer's condition deteriorates more rapidly, things take avery unexpected and shocking turn.Dr Turner and Sister Veronicaarrange a men's health talk at the surgery to discuss malecontraception and a new procedure, the vasectomy. At the sametime, Dr Turner and Nurse Crane care for Annette Berkley, whohas rheumatic heart disease and has gone against doctor'sadvice and fallen pregnant again.When Matthew's father, SirBrigham, visits Poplar, relations between father and son aresomewhat frosty at best. Matthew's opinion of Poplar ismarkedly different from his father's, as he has grown fond ofthe area and its residents over recent years. Matthew wants toinvest more money in the borough, whereas Sir Brigham wants tosell up. With relations at an all-time low, Trixie is left todeliver Matthew some heartbreaking news.