Event created by Midnight
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For the first time, Jean has friends from England visitingSainte Victoire. Fellow antique dealer David and his newhusband George are on their honeymoon but all is not going wellfor the happy couple… The pair just want to visit thebeautiful antique shops, streets and sights of Sainte Victoirebut they seem to have someone on their trail intent on makingit a very short trip. Before they left England a mirror fellfrom the wall, narrowly missing David and when they arrive inSainte Victoire one of their bags has been cut. What is goingon? And who could be behind it? Jean takes David and George tosee her new shop. They fall in love with it and excitedly lookthrough all the antiques. Jean gifts George one of hertreasures. One of David and George's wedding presents was amysterious pack of old Tarot cards and Jean leaves them forCharlie to examine. Charlie is shocked to discover that theyare no ordinary Tarot cards. They are very old, veryvaluable… and very cursed! Jean doesn't care about curses andrushes home to tell David what the cards are worth, but Davidand George are more concerned about the curse. Now David issure that someone or something is out to get him! After anotherattempt is made to hurt David, George insists that he andDavid must leave - immediately! He books a hire car and theymake off to Marseilles. An old friend tells Jean what he thinksis really happening and Jean is forced to ask Dom to help herfind David and George, before the threats turn deadly. CanJean and Dom get to them before it's too late?