Event created by Midnight
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Loud rock music is paying at the Château and it's givingJudith a headache. Jeremy's old rock ‘n' roll friend Dura isrecording his comeback album in the Millhouse. Jeremy locks himin and leaves him to work alone - but not before insisting ontaking a selfie. Outside, in the sound van Dura's wifeMandarina, and Marco, his sound engineer, have just startedto record Dura's latest track when they hear him scream.Forcing their way into the Milhouse, the trio find Dura lyingdead with a head injury. A strange symbol is drawn on his face.How could he have died in the locked room alone? Caron calls inJean to try to make sense of it all. At La Couronne, Trevor ismeeting Cooper for the first time when Jean receives Caron'scall. Dom and Trevor are both huge Dura fans and are horrifiedto hear that he's been murdered. When Jean and Dom go intoDura's studio, Dom is overwhelmed to see Dura's originalspeaker and can't help but touch it. Could that be a tear inhis eye? Chloe made the lucrative deal with Mandarina forDura's album. She arrives in Sainte Victoire for the first timeto tell Mandarina that the record company are demanding theirmoney back. Mandarina and Marco are outraged and Judith throwsChloe out. That evening Dom is at Jean's house trying toimpress her with his collection of original Dura albums. Jeanis intrigued and starts to investigate this strange murder. CanJean and Dom find out what really happened and discover whowould want this rock legend dead?