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"Poker Face" star Natasha Lyonne is telling Drew about her newshow, her partnership with Maya Rudolph and whether she woulddo an "American Pie" reboot. Inside Edition investigativecorrespondent Lisa Guerrero is hitting the headlines with Drewand Ross Mathews covering Drew-crime cases like a potentialsighting of Carole Baskin's husband and the woman whoseapartment was rented by scammers on Airbnb. Chef Remi Cruz isjoining Drew in the kitchen to whip up some delicious fried macn' cheese bites. The world's oldest female comedian DionneForest is doing a hilarious stand-up set. Drew and RossMathews are covering today's headlines including whether sayingforever puts too much pressure on relationships and the TikToktrend of using a sieve for your hair.