Event created by Midnight
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It's October 1968, and preparations for Trixie and Matthew'swedding are underway. Nancy makes a home visit to ImeldaO'Connor, who is pregnant with her second child, and issurprised that Imelda, her husband Maurice and young son Paulare living in a cramped caravan on a building site. Unbeknownto Nancy, the family's circumstances quickly change when theyare made homeless. When their plight is brought to theattention of Nonnatus house, Matthew is very vocal about hisviews.Shelagh supports Rosemary Mason, who is expecting herfifth child with husband Arthur. They run a family businessselling second-hand goods and also run a guesthouse. Shelagh istroubled by Rosemary's symptoms and consults Dr Turner, whodiagnoses Rosemary with hepatitis, a condition that leads tothe revelation of a family secret.Dr Turner soon notices aworrying rise in hepatitis cases throughout the district, andwhen the outbreak directly impacts the residents of NonnatusHouse, the team rally to care for a beloved member.Elsewhere, Cyril returns home from Jamaica and is keen tothrow himself into work. He volunteers at a homeless shelterfor men and meets a young stricken man, Leon, who isstruggling with addiction.