Event created by Midnight
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The epic one-of-a-kind culinary gauntlet returns to its iconicstage. Over three stories high, each floor contains astunningly different kitchen. From the glistening top floor tothe challenging bottom of the basement, the ingredients matchthe environment, because Gordon Ramsay believes the true testof great chefs is not only what they can do in the best ofcircumstances, but what kind of magic they can create in theworst! Joined by two elite names in the food world, chefsNyesha Arrington and Richard Blais, Ramsay and his co-mentorsleave no stone unturned, as they've scoured the country andhand-picked the best home cooks, social media chefs andprofessional chefs who will be on each of their teams. With aone-year mentorship and 0,000 on the line, the steaks arehigh as the cooks look to make their first impressions in theirrespective teams. Who will make the most impressive next leveldish and who will not make the cut.