Event created by Midnight
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"The Traitors" host Alan Cumming is talking to Drew about hisnew show and the time he swam in Drew's pool when she wasn'thome. He's also playing a round of behind-the-scenes anddishing on movies like "Spice World" and "Spy Kids." Drew andRoss Mathews are serving the news sunny-side up and are joinedby the cast of "Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies" who share afirst look of the new prequel to the 1978 classic "Grease." Drew and Ross Mathews are back at the Drew's News deskhitting headlines like Florence Pugh's upcoming musicalreleases and the man who's spending millions to stay young.Dominique and Ashley Sharpton, daughters of Al Sharpton, arejoining the news desk and talking about their new show "TheSharpton Sisters." Drew and Pilar Valdes are whipping upsomething delicious in the kitchen to celebrate NationalFettuccini Alfredo Day!