Event created by Midnight
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"Teen Wolf: The Movie" star Tyler Posey is joining Drew to chatabout the film that's been five years in the making, hisrelationship with girlfriend Phem and his favorite weird foodcombo. Drew and Ross Mathews are covering today's headlineslike the upcoming film "Scream 6" and why some say you shouldresist the urge to clean before having company over. FUBU CEOand "Shark Tank" personality Daymond John is telling Drew allabout starting his company while working as a Red Lobsterwaiter, his role on "Shark Tank" and teaching financialliteracy to children. Drew and Ross Mathews are at the Drew'sNews desk covering topics like the new photo NASA took of thesurface of Mars that strongly resembles a bear and the cake TomHanks says would be on his list of foods he'd want to eat forhis last meal.