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During "Under the Bay Bridge," San FranciscoPolice Sergeant Brent Dittmer reveals that his team chose notto publicly dispute any theories that Lee was a victim of arobbery, even though he believed early on that the personresponsible for Lee's murder wasn't after his money. He tellsMankiewicz, "If that's the story people are gonna run with,that is an advantage for us because the people who areresponsible, we don't want to know what we know." Hecontinued, "Let everybody think that this is whatever's onTwitter at that time. We'll work on what actuallyhappened." Lee's former wife also had a hard time believing hewas robbed, explaining, "Had Bob been approached by someonethat was trying to mug him, he would've given him, them, theshirt off his back, his wallet, his keys, his clothes. Hewould've said, ‘Hey, man, let me buy you a meal. Pleasedon't hurt me.'"