Event created by Midnight
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WWE legends Nikki and Brie Bella are joining Drew and RossMathews at the news desk to cover headlines like why it can behelpful to think about happy memories with your ex and thetrend of women wearing makeup in the delivery room. "Harlem"star Meagan Good on working with 50 Cent on a music video andreveals the cartoon character she's obsessed with. Plus, incelebration of her show Meagan is sharing some of her favoritesmall businesses in Harlem.Drew and Ross Mathews are servingthe news sunny-side up and covering headlines like the new jobas a Netflix flight attendant and the study that found lookingat photos of your partner can increase infatuation. Drew-crewmember Danny Seo is sharing some easy ways to add pizzazz to aparty with items you probably already have in your home.Celebrity hair stylist Chris Appleton is spotlighting aDrew-Gooder barber running a non-profit salon.