Event created by Midnight
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Humphrey and Martha throw themselves into work in an attempt todistract themselves from recent events. For Humphrey, thismeans investigating one of the strangest cases he's everencountered: an entire family have vanished from their house,with the TV and lights left on and dinnerhalf-eaten.Meanwhile, Martha nervously prepares for theopening of her new café. Racing against the clock to get itall ready, she is dealt a blow when the bank call to refuseher loan, and her situation isn't helped by Humphrey'simpulsive decision to blow their savings on a ramshacklehouseboat. Help comes from an unlikely place: local vineyardowner Archie Hughes, who also happens to be Martha'sridiculously handsome ex-fiancé, volunteers to become apartner in the business. This could be the answer to Martha'sprayers, but how will Humphrey react?