Event created by Midnight
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Charlie Wagner, a young marine biologist, is assigned to aremote outpost in the Shetland Islands. During a survey,Charlie discovers large amounts of methane ice on the watersurface, which is usually only found at great depths on thesea floor. And other strange incidents are happening indifferent regions of the world. While a fisherman in Peru diesunnoticed by a school of fish, in Canada, off VancouverIsland, the humpback and gray whales are a long time coming.When an orca is found dead on the beach after allegedlyattacking a fishing boat, young whale researcher Leon Anawakis concerned. Eventually, the whales return in large numbers.Leon immediately drives his boat out to sea. His good friendLizzie also starts a trip with her excursion boat full oftourists. But no one suspects what behavior the animals willshow.