Event created by Midnight
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Humphrey and the team face one of their strangest cases yetwhen a dead man is found in the centre of a crop circle. No-oneknows who he is or how he got there. Conspiracy theoristssuggest aliens are to blame, which seems possible when footageemerges of mysterious lights hovering above the field, butpragmatist Esther is sure that the answer lies closer to home.Brother and sister Andrew and Cassie Parker own North Farm,where the body was found. Do they know more than they'reletting on? When the investigation leads the team to the siteof an illegal rave, they're reunited with a familiar face whojust might be the key to cracking the case wideopen.Meanwhile, Martha faces her own professional challenge asher café is visited by a food critic. With Archie's help, sherises to the occasion, but in doing so, misses an importantIVF appointment with Humphrey. Given pause for thought, shestarts to question what she really wants. Archie, however,misreads Martha's uncertainty for something else, which hasunforeseen consequences.