Event created by Midnight
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Batman is dead, and a powder keg has ignited Gotham Citywithout the Dark Knight to protect it. In the wake of BruceWayne's murder, his adopted son Turner Haye is framed forkilling the Caped Crusader, along with the children of some ofBatman's enemies: Duela Doe, aka The Joker's Daughter, anunpredictable fighter and skilled thief who was born in ArkhamAsylum and abandoned by her father, Harper Row, a streetwiseand acerbic engineer who can fix anything, and her brotherCullen Row, a clever transgender teen who is tired of beingpolite and agreeable. With the charismatic and hard-chargingDistrict Attorney Harvey Dent and the GCPD hot on their trail,Turner will rely on allies including his best friend andformidable coder Stephanie Brown, and unlikely Batman sidekickCarrie Kelley. But our Knights will soon learn there is alarger, more nefarious force at work within Gotham City. Thisteam of mismatched fugitives must band together to become itsnext generation of saviors known as the "Gotham Knights."