Event created by Midnight
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"Hey Dude the 90's Called" podcast host and actress ChristineTaylor is joining Drew to chat about working together on "TheWedding Singer" and some of her iconic roles in classics like"Dodgeball" and "The Brady Bunch Movie." Drew and Ross Mathewsare covering headlines like the star who says he sneaks intothe movie theater to watch his films and the sailor whosurvived four weeks stranded at sea with just some soup, apacket of garlic and a bottle of ketchup. Drew and RossMathews are serving the news sunny-side up and covering topicslike the solutions you can try if you're a chronic late texterand the reason many people are opting for environmentallyfriendly burials. Design expert Mikel Welch is teaching Drewabout designing mugs with a nail polish hack. Eitan Bernath isjoining Drew in the kitchen and sharing how to make both a mealand a dessert in a mug.