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The iconic Pam Grier stops by to talk about Season 2 of her TVseries "Them: The Scare."Jennifer then chats with second-graderBailey Butts and first-graders Ashton Tyler and Bella Baker ofLos Angeles, California, for a "Words from the Wise: KidsEdition" segment.Next, Jennifer welcomes award-winning chefKeith Corbin from Los Angeles. Prior to owning Alta Adamsrestaurant, Keith faced many challenges. He was raised inWatts and was in and out of prison for 10-plus years before hedecided to change the trajectory of his life. Since his releasein 2014, Keith has obtained a certificate of rehabilitationfrom Los Angeles County and uses his experience to give back toothers. Keith only hires staff who wouldn't be given a chanceanywhere else and says his restaurant is a place for community.