Event created by Midnight
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In Sunderland, PC Martain Anderson is on the hunt for a vanlinked to drug dealing and organised crime. After spotting iton a roundabout in the city centre, Martain gets behind it.The van parks up, but as Martain approaches the vehicle, thedriver makes a run for it. Martain gives chase: the drivercan't run fast enough, and ends up in line of sight ofMartain's Taser. A quick search of the van reveals why he wasso desperate to get away. It's packed full of drugs!PC BrianCamsell is on patrol around the streets of Newcastle when amisted-up car draws even more attention to itself when one ofpassengers cleans the window with two fingers! Brian spots thecheeky passenger isn't wearing a seatbelt either. Brian pullsover the car to discover three teenagers already in party modeheading to a festival. The driver is mortified that his matehas flicked the Vs to a passing police car… and crestfallento discover the seatbelt offence as well. Luckily for him,Brian's in the mood for some stern words rather than aticket.Finally, in the early hours of the morning inSunderland PC Will Hunter spots a white van whose driver he'ssure is trying not to get noticed by the police. He tracks thevehicle to a housing estate and when he clocks the man behindthe wheel Will recognises a repeat offender he's had previouswith, a known disqualified driver. The driver doesn't takekindly to being stopped. Or being told the van appears to bestolen!