Event created by Midnight
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It's the grand finale as the three finalists compete for thetitle of Britain's best amateur sewer.Patrick Grant and EsmeYoung kick things off by challenging the sewers to make operagloves. These gloves require delicate fabrics and precisionsewing - a true test at this stage of the competition.Next,it's the sewers' last chance to show off their instinct fordesign in the Transformation Challenge. They attempt to turnparty paraphernalia, such as napkins, paper hats and evenbunting, into a complete party outfit.Finally, for the firsttime in ten years of Sewing Bee, the sewers create a fulloutfit by draping on their models within the time allowed forthe challenge. They have had a chance to plan, but it is inthe sewing room where all the hard work will be done. This istheir final chance to show the judges why they deserve towin.Three finalists, three challenges, but only one sewerwill be crowned the tenth winner of the competition.