Event created by Midnight
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In Sunderland, PC Will Hunter patrols the morning rush hour inan unmarked patrol car, when right under his nose a driverhits the gas and dangerously overtakes other vehicles. Willcatches up with the driver who claims he was in a rush becausehe's late for work. But Will smells booze. The driver was outfor a drink until 1am. When Will gets out the breathalyser,will the driver be over the limit the morning after the nightbefore?Outside Newcastle, PC Brian Camsell is on the hunt fora suspected cloned car. Brian tracks it down and gets behindit, calling in more patrols to surround the vehicle and bringit to stop. The driver claims to have bought the car thatmorning for cash – with no receipt. But a search of the carreveals a set of number plates and accessories often favouredby thieves. Will Brian get to the truth?On the A1, PC JanSimlesa watches a pickup truck fly past him. Jan hits speedsover 100 mph just to try and catch the driver, then witnesseshim swerving all over the road and bullying other cars out ofhis way. Jan's seen enough and pulls him over, only to findand obstinate young driver, who's blaming his shocking drivingon the vehicle's tracking. Even when presented with the videoevidence the driver is still full of excuses. But Jan won't lethim have the last word.