Event created by Midnight
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In Gateshead a child has been knocked off his bike by a caroutside a school. Sergeant Dave Roberts picks up the call andraces to the scene. The boy is complaining of hip pain but thewait time for an ambulance is three hours. Police medics assessthe boy, and they are worried about the level of his injuries.Time is against Dave as he tries to look after the child andget to the bottom of how the accident occurred.PC Mary-AnnHutchison is patrolling near Sunderland when she receives acall from the police chopper – officers above have witnesseda man being assaulted and his assailants speeding away in acar. Guided by the helicopter, more units race to the sceneand stop the car. The two occupants aren't being veryco-operative, leaving Mary-Ann and the other officers with atough job trying to work out what's actually happened.It's lateat night and Martain spots a driver in a hurry in Sunderland.Martain pulls him over and alerts the man to his manner ofdriving. It turns out to be an emergency – a family memberhas been craving mozzarella dippers and so he gallantly nippedout and was determined to get the fast food back fast. Cheeselover Martain understands, but it's still no excuse forpotentially getting points on your licence.