Event created by Midnight
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This episode features two women searching for siblings - thefirst has been hoping to find her brother ever since learningof the enormous burden of grief her mother carried after givinghim up. Tracey Boyle had children of her own before shelearned of her brother's existence - after a stay in hospitalfollowing a breakdown, her mother finally confided in Traceythe enormous weight of grief she carried ever since herfirst-born son was prised from her hands at the age of 16 andplaced for adoption. Tracey is determined to find him and lethim know he was wanted.In our second story, a woman who had astrange sense she had a sister out there during her ownadoption finally gets confirmation of her intuition. LizAllward was adopted as a baby, but she always had an uncannyfeeling that she had a biological sister somewhere out thereand has longed to meet her from the moment she found out shewas right.