Event created by Midnight
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In the middle of the night in Sunderland, PC Will Hunter spotsa BMW with a bust tyre, spitting out plumes of smoke. As heturns around to follow it, the driver decides to ditch the carin the middle of the road and make a run for it. Will chaseshim on foot, but he disappears into thin air. Will searchesthe car, which looks like it's been in an accident. The driverhas left his mobile phone behind and checks reveal he livesnearby. Time for Will to pay the driver a home visit and seewhat he has to say!In Newcastle PC Brian Camsell's on the huntfor an uninsured driver. After tracking her down, the driveris adamant she's insured the car on a day policy, but can'tproduce her policy claim because she has no phone signal.Luckily Brian has great reception on his mobile, and a quickcall to the Motor Insurance Bureau reveals the driver has beentrying to take out a policy while in the back of Brian's policecar!On the nightshift, police receive reports of a massiveunauthorised car meet taking place on an industrial estate.When Brian gets there he's confronted with boy racers buzzingthrough the streets while dozens of people watch on. As Brianprepares to disperse the crowds, a car noisily draws hisattention. He pulls over the young driver, who gets a lessonin tyre standards in front of a jeering audience!