Event created by Midnight
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On the outskirts of Newcastle at night, Sergeant Dave Robertsis on the hunt for a possible cloned car. When he spots itpulling out of a side street, he gets on its tail, but thedriver puts his foot down, and it's now a pursuit. The copsuse tactics, bursting the car's tyres twice, but the driverstill keeps going, refusing to stop despite two flat tyres. Ina bid to shake off Dave, he makes the deadly decision to drivethe wrong way down the A1, straight into oncoming traffic!Dave and more units track the car from the opposite side of thehighway, but will the driver come quietly?PC Jan Simlesa getsa report of a drink driver in the North Shields area. Thedriver has been witnessed worse for wear, trying to buy morebooze, and then driving away. Jan and PC Jamie Leslie race tothe scene and manage to get the car stopped. To theirastonishment, the driver is very relaxed, openly admitting tohaving had a few drinks and even jokes that he'll fail thebreath test. It gets worse when he confesses to beinguninsured, it's the passenger's car – who turns out to be onher first date with the driver!Police get a call about a womansuspected to be high on drugs driving a car. Jamie heads to thelocation the vehicle was last spotted and quickly finds it. Nowall he must do is get the car stopped. The only problem iswhile he's working out a plan the driver goes straight througha red light. Jamie gives chase and pulls it over to find thathe's arrested the woman before – but this is no happyreunion, and the driver is less than happy to see Jamie again!