Event created by Midnight
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10.50 AM Staffordshire. 64-year-old David has collapsed at workwith a suspected cardiac arrest. Critical Care Paramedics SarahFolley and Fay Pollock are immediately dispatched.On arrivalthey find an ambulance crew has restarted David's heart, butone in three patients who come out of cardiac arrest, go on tohave another. Now Sarah and Fay have got to do everything theycan to prevent this happening to David.
Over inWorcestershire, Critical Care Paramedics Kerry Hemus and LauraTaylor are rushing to the scene of a serious road trafficcollision.52-year-old Michelle is trapped in her car aftercrashing into a fallen tree. She's complaining of neck painwhich at worst could be a sign of a fracture and there's a riskof paralysis. Kerry and Laura have to think on their feet toget Michelle out of the car and give her the urgent treatmentshe desperately needs.Meanwhile over in Gloucestershire21-year-old international show jumper Faye has been kicked offher horse over a jump and is lying on the ground unable tomove. Critical Care Paramedics Will Meadows and Grant Salsbyrace to the scene, to find Faye complaining of chest andshoulder pain. And having hit the floor headfirst she may havesustained injuries that have life-changing consequences.