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THE PROSECUTION OF JAN. 6 – More than 1,000 Americans havebeen convicted in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S.Capitol that stopped the count of electoral votes and triggeredthe largest prosecution in U.S. history. As the FBI continuesto search for suspects, Scott Pelley meets with some of thoseat the center of the story: a man who was among the first tobreach the Capitol, a Metropolitan police officer who wasinjured that day, a retired judge who studied the 2020election and top prosecutor U.S. attorney Matthew Graves.DANGERIN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA –It's been called "the most dangerousconflict no one is talking about," and Cecilia Vega seesfirsthand just how dangerous it can be when the Philippine shipshe is traveling on gets rammed by China's coast guard. Vegaexamines how the growing tensions between China and thePhilippines over territory in the South China Sea could lead toU.S. involvement. DUA LIPA – Many teenagers want to becomepop stars, but few convince their parents to let them packtheir bags and move to another country to make it big. That'sprecisely what Dua Lipa did when she was 15 years old, tradingPristina, Kosovo, for London. Anderson Cooper talks with herabout her journey from unknown songwriter to internationalsensation, with her songs streaming more than 45 billiontimes.