Event created by Midnight
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Holistic therapist Kara and electrician Jonny are building astriking stone and zinc four-bedroom family home in the rollinghills of West Yorkshire, for themselves and their two youngchildren. The need to build has been motivated by Kara's recentparalysis, caused by a rare autoimmune condition. Theirambition for the house is enormous, as Kara wants to create ahome that is not only beautiful but will help her regain someindependence. With money tight, Jonny needs to take on a lotof the work himself. As the build progresses, and despite thechallenges coming thick and fast, compromise is not an optionwith both form and function so essential. Building their singlestorey pushes both Kara and Jonny to the edge of theiremotional and physical reserves, but if they can pull it off,it might just redefine what accessible design means