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Oscar winner Ariana DeBose is here to chat about her newfilm, "House of Spoils."Jennifer then welcomes SubornoBari from the Bronx, New York, who recently made headlinesas the youngest student in NYU's 200-year history. On afull-ride scholarship, Suborno is double majoring in math andphysics, set to graduate in 2026, with plans to earn hisPh.D. by 2029. His ultimate goal is to become a professor byage 16 or 17. Outside of academics, Suborno enjoys gardening,badminton, and chess.Jennifer also chats with JohnnyRodriguez from Orange County, California, a former prolacrosse player and head coach at Mater Dei High School. Afterleading his team to national recognition, Johnny stepped downfollowing an ALS diagnosis last October, just as his wife wasexpecting their second child. Despite the diagnosis, heremains positive and advocates for ALS awareness, partneringwith Augie's Quest to launch "Athletes vs. ALS." This October,he'll receive an ALS Champion Award. Johnny, who experiencesfatigue and muscle weakness, inspires other patients to "winthe day."