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Pennsylvania Counts: This November, all eyes will be on theKeystone State, the most pivotal battleground in the race forthe White House. Cecilia Vega travels to Pennsylvania for anin-depth interview with Secretary of State Al Schmidt, a keyfigure in the election process. They discuss the process ofcounting mail-in ballots, preparing for potential conspiracytheories, and the measures Schmidt is taking to educatePennsylvanians about the state's election process to ensurevoter confidence. Sarah Koch and Madeleine Carlisle are theproducers.The Vatican's Orphans: From 1950 to 1970, theVatican sent thousands of Italian children to eager AmericanCatholics for adoption. The children entered the United Stateson orphan visas. The trouble was most of the children were notorphans. They were the children of unwed mothers, many of whomwere alive and searching for their children. How the Vaticangot into the orphan business is the subject of a new book, ThePrice of Children. Bill Whitaker speaks to author Maria Laurinoand to American adoptees still struggling with the decades ofseparation from their birth families. Heather Abbott is theproducer.Ballmer's Ballgame: As the former CEO at Microsoft,where he witnessed the company's growth from a startup to atech giant, and now as the basketball baron of the L.A.Clippers, billionaire Steve Ballmer knows how to play the longgame. And he's counting on that skill and his trademarkenthusiasm to score points with players and fans as the2024-2025 NBA season tips off. But before he does, JonWertheim takes us inside the gleaming new Intuit Dome, thearena Ballmer built for his Clippers, and delves into his loveof basketball and drive to win a championship. David M. Levineis the producer.