Event created by Midnight
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Wicky's been invited to a royal wedding. The bride is thedaughter of none other than Brummie kingpin Bob Mammot, TheKing of Storage. Bob heads up the biggest storage company inthe Black Country, and he's pulled out all the stops for hislittle girl's special day. But her fairy tale has beeninterrupted by a baseball bat attack on one of the guests, andit's down to Wicky to clean up the mess.It takes more than anear-fatal assault with a blunt instrument to derail a Mammotwedding. Because the venue has been booked, the press has beenbriefed, the police have been bribed, an enormous cake shapedlike a storage container has been baked, and some of theMidlands' biggest names have been confirmed. Nothing should getin the way of celebrating the wedding of the century. HopefullyWicky can get the show back on the road. Or the storage king'sterrifying wife Vivien will know the reason why.