Event created by Midnight
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Halloween season is upon us, and RuPaul's search for the UK'sNext Drag Race Superstar gets even scarier this week as theiconic Girl Group Challenge takes on a fiendish twist.Thequeens split into two spiky ‘Ghoul' groups to show off theirperformance skills and serve up a spooktacular Halloweenmonster smash hit.Tasked with writing and recording their ownlyrics while delivering the best Ghoul Group moves, onequestion remains: which spine-chilling group will impress MamaRu enough to claim the Halloween number one spot?In thisstar-studded fright night, singer Alexandra Burke drops in togive the queens a masterclass on vocals, while pop star Mabeljoins the judging panel for a howling good time with the queenof queens, RuPaul, alongside Michelle Visage and GrahamNorton.You go, ghouls ! And may the best drag queen win!