Event created by Midnight
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Carmody gets outstanding exam results and is offered a positionin a research program in London but he wants to turn it down sothat he can stay at Skeldale where he can support the warefforts as a vet. Siegfried is relieved but worries that hemight be holding Carmody back.
An exhilarated Mr Bosworthsummons Mrs Hall to examine a piece of debris dropped from aplane into a remote field - this could be his hero moment.Doris arrives at the surgery with a poorly ferret for James totreat. Carmody finds himself oddly unable to string a sentencetogether in front of her.
Siegfried and Carmody meet theglamorous Miss Grantley and her herd of pygmy goats. Two areparticularly hyper-sensitive and the vets must figure out theissue. There's a spark between Siegfried and Miss Grantley,who makes him realise that Carmody has to make the rightdecision about his future.
Meanwhile, what Bosworth thinkscould be an explosive turns out to be something far lesssinister. But Mrs Hall struggles with Mr Bosworth's overzealousreaction to the incident.
Siegfried encourages Carmody totake the offer but Carmody doesn't want to say goodbye toSkeldale. James treats Doris's ferret, and Helen realises thatDoris's rat poison could have been behind a previous incident.Carmody finally makes a decision about his future and Mrs Halland Bosworth mend their relationship.