Event created by Midnight
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James starts to behave very out of character whilst examiningTricki and his health takes a turn for the worst. Helen rusheshim to bed, leaving Jimmy with Mrs Pumphrey and an alreadyoverburdened Mrs Hall, who is making strawberry jam for theWI. Meanwhile, Siegfried, needing an extra hand in Carmody'sabsence, recruits a reluctant Tristan to help.
WhenSiegfried and Tristan treat a Scuffling horse for a simplerash, something rather unexpected happens. Things go from badto worse when their car breaks down. Tristan and Siegfriedstart to walk home, swigging from homemade wine gifted to themby Dobson. Old tensions between them simmer as they try tofigure out the best course home.
Meanwhile, back atSkeldale, James drifts in and out of reality, hallucinating.Believing that he's back at RAF Abingdon, James's sadnesssurfaces and expresses his guilt that his comrades suffered andhe survived. Helen is worried for James but, as he opens up toher more, she reaches a new understanding of what he'sexperienced.
Mrs Pumphrey finds herself fulfilling somethingof a new role and Mrs Hall holds everything together.
Nowgiddy from the homemade wine, Siegfried reveals how thingswent south with Miss Grantley and is secretly pleased whenTristan insists she'd be lucky to have him. Siegfried andTristan come to a new understanding about their wartimeexperiences and, arriving in Darrowby, find some fun togethertoo. James apologises profusely to Mrs Pumphrey, who catchesSiegfried in a compromising position.