Event created by Midnight
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Sam is hopeful that his latest venture on the docks will notonly help his old friends but also give Joe some much-neededpurpose. Saunders laments Sam's impulsive purchase, especiallyupon discovering the poor state of the business and that it isencumbered by a controlling Board. Nevertheless Sam steamsahead, and makes Joe a manager, along with old pal Fred. Joestruggles to get to grips with his new responsibilities, andis jealous of Fred, feeling very much in his shadow. Joe'stemper eventually gets the better of him, leading to a poordecision that will plague his conscience.Mary and Sam masktheir nerves as Harry sets off to a prestigious boardingschool, but Mary quickly finds distraction in a surprisingproposition from Lady Emma and Adella. Mary is swept up into awhirl of preparations for her first real society party, withLiza reluctantly roped into providing the musicalentertainment, alongside Adella. It's hard to say who is moreunimpressed out of the two of them, but an unlikely friendshipbegins to form, in spite of their poor first impressions ofeach other. Ma, meanwhile, has a party of her own to host,and sparks begin to fly between her and the handsomegroundskeeper, Victor.In spite of Mary's careful preparationsunder Emma's watchful eye, and the moral support of oldfriends Lena and Betsy from the docks, the tea party doesn'tgo to plan. Liza resents being paraded in front of the societyladies. Tensions below stairs lead to a disaster in thekitchen, forcing Mary to think quickly and save the day with auniquely Hardacre plan…