Event created by Midnight
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Adam and Tassy take on an abandoned water tower - a concretecolumn stretching over 20 metres into the Northamptonshire sky- and turn it into a fun family home. Their radical designincludes a concrete interior with curved walls, slides,secret rooms, a fireman's pole and - up in the tank itself - aswimming pool and a sky garden. The plan is to sell theirterraced house and get a mortgage to raise £400,000 and domost of the conversion work themselves - even though they havetwo young children already and a third on the way. It's wildlyambitious and gets off to a slow start when a steel reinforcedfloor takes forever to excavate, and they have to build asound wall to reduce the hum from a nearby electricitysubstation. As concrete pours, their walls start to leak andit looks like their water tower doesn't want to be lived inwithout a concrete-soaked battle of biblical proportions