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RELIEF, N.C. – Reporting from the Appalachian Mountains,correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi surveys one of the hardest hitareas of Hurricane Helene, a category four storm that torethrough six states more than three weeks ago. Alfonsi visitscommunities in rural western North Carolina where the searchfor the missing goes on as most residents endure life withoutwater, electricity, communications and passable roads. Allare attempting to rebuild – most have no insurance. AshleyVelie is the producer.NAVALNY – Months after anti-Putinactivist Alexei Navalny died in a Russian prison, his wife,Yulia Navalnaya, now the leading figure of his politicalmovement, speaks with correspondent Lesley Stahl in her firstU.S. interview about her late husband's posthumous memoir.Navalnaya discusses the book, Navalny's last act of defianceagainst the Kremlin, which chronicles his final three yearsbehind bars under often brutal conditions, believed to beordered by Russian president Vladimir Putin. She details hisclandestine operation for penning the memoir inside ahigh-security prison and then smuggling it out, why the coupledecided to return to Russia after Navalny was poisoned and herdaring campaign for justice in the wake of his death. RichardBonin is the producer.THE SWINGIEST COUNTY – CorrespondentJon Wertheim travels to Door County, Wis., a bucolic coastalcommunity where political party loyalty is up for grabs andresidents have successfully voted for the winning candidate inevery presidential election this century. Door County is theonly swing state county with this distinction. Wertheim travelsto Door County to get to know its residents and look for themystery voter who's voted both Republican and Democratsuccessfully in every election since 2000. Draggan Mihailovichis the producer.THE CAP ARCONA – Bill Whitaker reports fromGermany's Baltic Coast on the bombing of the Cap Arcona, alittle-known human tragedy in the closing days of World War IIin Europe. Once a luxurious German ocean liner, the Cap Arconawas commandeered by the Nazis and, at war's end, turned intoa floating concentration camp. Thousands of prisoners werekilled in the aerial attack. Whitaker interviews historians andHolocaust survivors who witnessed the bombing to bring thislargely overlooked chapter of history to light. This is adouble-length segment. Marc Lieberman is the producer.