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DEPORTATION: Cecilia Vega examines former President DonaldTrump's campaign promise to conduct the largest deportation inAmerican history. She goes out with Immigration and CustomsEnforcement (ICE) officers in Maryland as they arrestundocumented immigrants with criminal records, and she talkswith one of the people Trump is likely to ask to oversee themass deportations if he's elected: Tom Homan, who led ICE whenthe Trump administration separated about 5,000 migrantchildren from their parents at the southern border. AndyCourt, Annabelle Hanflig and Camilo Montoya-Galvez are theproducers.SANCTIONS: More than two years after Russia invadedUkraine, the fighting continues, and despite thousands ofeconomic sanctions, Russia's wartime economy is expected togrow. Sharyn Alfonsi sits down with Daleep Singh, thearchitect behind the U.S. sanction strategy, to discuss hispast predictions and uncover new details about what's fuelingRussia's economy. Her investigation leads to waters off thecoast of Greece, where she tracks Russian oil tankers evadingsanctions and raises questions about how Russia is making itsmoney. Lucy Hatcher is the producer.SURFMEN: Bill Whitakerventures out to one of the most dangerous inlets in America,nicknamed the Graveyard of the Pacific, at the mouth of theColumbia River. The mission? Document the training of elitemembers of the U.S. Coast Guard determined to graduate from theNational Motor Lifeboat School and earn the coveted title ofcertified Surfmen. Whitaker speaks with some of the best waterrescue professionals in the country as they push their limits,tackling the roughest waters and toughest test, to hearfirsthand what it takes to operate in huge breaking surf inorder to save lives. Rome Hartman is the producer.