Event created by Midnight
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Now Mary has been accepted into the charitable ladies' circle,she's excited to join them on an outing to one of theirphilanthropical endeavours – which Ma decides to gate-crash!However Mary and Ma are dismayed to come face to face with aplace that holds painful memories from their past. Old woundsare reopened and although Ma tries to gloss over it, Marythinks it's time for Ma to acknowledge thetruth.
Meanwhile, Sam is set on the backfoot after theconservative Mr Hugill from the board comes to visit.
Lizaseeks to make amends with Adella after getting her into troubleat the tea party, and asks for Adella's help in becoming aproper lady. Adella happily accepts the challenge, as she'skeen for a distraction from her bore of a suitor, Lord HugoBathurst. Adella is also having fun toying with a lovestruckJoe Hardacre.
Emma is horrified with Adella's new foundinterest in the Hardacres and is determined to secure the matchwith Lord Hugo as soon as possible. She plans to host asophisticated soirée so they can invite Lord Hugo and keep theHardacres as far away from the evening as possible. But Adellaspots an opportunity for some devilment and invites themanyway.
The Hardacres head to the soirée. Despite optingfor a night at the pub with Victor, Ma also finds it difficultto hide from her past mistakes. Meanwhile, back at HardacreHall, Dryden recruits Maggie to hide away the Hall's treasuredpossessions for safekeeping.
At the soirée Liza tries outher new lady skills and Emma desperately tries to push Adellatowards Hugo and away from Joe, but to no avail. Disasterstrikes when Lord Hugo insults Liza and Joe springs to herdefence and challenges him to a fight…