Event created by Midnight
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It's quarter-final time, and the week's best chefs are back tofight it out for a place in knockout week. They will need toovercome two daunting tasks to get there, including feedingtheir toughest audience yet.The first hurdle is an inventiontest with a difference. The chefs must create a dish thatincludes tonight's mystery ingredient – garlic. They'll haveten minutes to pick other elements that complement the garlicand just 70 minutes to cook the dish. As well as the morefamiliar bulbs of garlic, the chefs have a range of garlic tochoose from, including tangy black garlic and delicate wildgarlic. Whatever they pick, they will need to balance thingsout – the garlic must enhance the dish, not overpower it.Thequarter-final continues with a visit from the formidablecritics. Grace Dent, Jimi Famurewa and William Sitwell are onhand to give their view on the chefs' creations as they eachdish up two of their best plates of food. It will takesomething extraordinary to pique the interest of thesediscerning diners.Once the critics depart, it will be left tothe judges to pick the lucky chefs who will move forward intoknockout week as the hunt for this year's champion continues.