Event created by Midnight
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The second batch of this week's professionals are waiting inthe wings, ready to prove themselves in the MasterChefkitchen. Two challenges await, so any jitters must be calmed,as they'll need every ounce of culinary skill to be onshow.First stop on their journey is the daunting skills test.Marcus will be asking two chefs to prepare an aubergine steakglazed with miso and soy, served with a peanut sauce.Balancing strong flavours is an art in itself, but the chefswill also need to watch their timings and ensure theiraubergine cookery is up to scratch.The next two chefs will needto be a dab hand at pastry work, as Monica is hankering for alemon meringue tart with a zesty lemon garnish. They'll havethe tart cases provided, but there are several other elementsneeded to make the perfect tart, including getting a lemoncurd made, set and cooled before any assembling can takeplace. Plenty of technique, and some classic cookery, will nodoubt keep the chefs busy.Having dusted themselves off, thechefs will then get another chance to shine as they are given90 minutes to deliver their signature menu – a main courseand dessert that show the judges what makes them tick andproves them to be a real contender for the title.Marcus,Monica, and Gregg will then assess how well the chefs haveperformed overall and present their verdict. Only the strongeston the night will move forward in the competition, with aplace in this week's quarter-final.