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THE PROMISE – Twenty-three years later, over a thousandfamilies are still waiting for news of loved ones lost in theWorld Trade Center attacks on 9/11. Correspondent Scott Pelleylooks at how efforts to search for and identify their remainshave never stopped, driven by the promise made by the New YorkCity Office of Chief Medical Examiner. Pelley visits theirlaboratory, which is using new advancements in DNA researchand breakthrough techniques to provide answers for familiesholding on to hope. This is a double-length segment. NicoleYoung is the producer.AUSSIEWOOD –Correspondent Jon Wertheimreports on a phenomenon that has long captured Hollywood: theoutsized presence of Australians earning top billings andawards on the American silver screen – in front of and behindthe camera. Wertheim interviews Aussie actress Sarah Snook andfilmmaker Baz Luhrmann about the country's renowned traininggrounds for the dramatic arts, their pathways to internationaltheater, film and television and the Australian mindset onstardom. Jacqueline Williams is the producer.BHUTAN–Correspondent Lesley Stahl travels to the remote, Buddhistkingdom of Bhutan, a tiny country that has fiercely protectedits unique culture, declaring that within its borders, GrossNational Happiness is more important than Gross NationalProduct. But today, the country is facing a crisis – 9% ofits population has left Bhutan for higher-paying jobs abroad,so the government has launched a high-stakes plan to help theeconomy and lure young Bhutanese back by developing an entirelynew city from scratch – what the king is calling a"mindfulness" city. This is a double-length segment. ShariFinkelstein is the producer.