Event created by Midnight
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Rossi reveals details of Annie's hidden history, leaving Toshand Calder to wonder whether they might be dealing withsomething bigger and more dangerous than previously thought.Noah gives a heart-breaking account of the fateful night butfalls short of identifying the killer. He does, however, giveCalder a strange, cryptic detail which spikes her interest.Asconspiracy theorist Angus Wallace monitors the marine researchfacility, the opportunity to infiltrate presents itself. Whenhe fails to return, his friend Lisa raises her concerns to RevAlan Calder.Meanwhile, an emotional John Harris opens up toTosh about his fondness for Annie. However, when a newconnection to Bergen is unearthed, the team quickly growsuspicious of John's sons, Patrick and Fergus. As the Harrisesfind themselves under the police spotlight – and Johnwrestles the loss of his friend Annie - their family dynamicbegins to unravel with shocking consequences.