Event created by Midnight
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It's quarter-final time, and that can only mean more pressurefor this week's most talented professionals as they return tothe kitchen ready to battle for a place in knockout week.Getting there will require oodles of creativity, as well asthe perseverance to impress their toughest critics yet.Theinvention test is their first stop. The chefs will need tocreate a standout dish featuring the key ingredient, offal,as the star of the show. The larder has been packed withgoodies, including chicken livers, sweetbreads, chickenhearts, tripe and tongue, as well as a broad range of fruit,vegetables, herbs and spices. They will have just ten minutesto develop a dish that will tickle the judges' taste buds, andthen 70 minutes to bring their creation to life.The criticsround is up next. Jimi Famurewa, Grace Dent and Tom ParkerBowles are back, hoping to sample some exquisite plates offood. Can the professionals reach their high standards, orwill the occasion prove too overwhelming?Marcus and Monica willconsider the critics' reviews and reward the best chefs with aplace in knockout week as the hunt for this year's championcontinues.