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DISRUPTOR U. – As contempt for cancel culture andself-censorship on college campuses continues to drive apolitical divide across the country, correspondent JonWertheim reports on a new startup university, the Universityof Austin, in Austin, Texas. The school has been labeled bysome as an "anti-woke university" and Wertheim speaks to thefounders, students and advisors about how they believe they'redisrupting modern academia by fostering debate and ideologicalopenness in their classrooms. Denise Schrier Cetta is theproducer. HUMANS IN THE LOOP – As chatbots continue toevolve, Lesley Stahl reports from Nairobi, Kenya, on thegrowing market of "humans in the loop" – workers around theworld who help train AI for big American tech companies. Stahlspeaks with digital workers who have spent hours in front ofscreens teaching and improving AI, but complain of poorworking conditions, low pay and undertreated psychologicaltrauma. Shachar Bar-On and Jinsol Jung are the producers. LOWRIDERS OF NEW MEXICO – Correspondent Bill Whitakercruises through Espanola, N.M., a town that's a hub oflowrider culture: vintage American automobiles with vibrantpaint jobs and street-scraping suspensions. He meets acommunity of "cruisers" who are turning their hobby's bad-boyreputation on its head, paving a new route as activists andcommunity servants, and claiming a place as custodians ofHispanic culture and champions of fine art. Rome Hartman is theproducer.