Event created by Midnight
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Knockout week continues and the ten remaining professionals aresplit into two groups. The contenders step out of theMasterChef kitchen for the very first time, cooking for theirtoughest crowd yet, and then return to compete for a place inthe semi-finals.In this edition, five chefs take over MarketHalls in central London, which is the home of some of thecountry's most exciting and eclectic food pop-up stalls. Theprofessionals take charge of the market and deliver their owntasty treats for 22 of the biggest movers and shakers in thepop-up scene. They have three hours to serve up one dish eachfor the diners, but the quality of the food leaving thekitchens will need to be world class. This is a chance to seehow the chefs cope with working in cramped spaces and withunfamiliar equipment.These diners know what it takes to succeedin this business, and their opinion on the culinary creationsmatters more than ever, as they will all vote on the dish thatimpressed them the most. The chef who cooks the winning plateof food will sail straight through to the semi-finals.Theverdict is delivered back at the MasterChef kitchen and thefour who fail to come out on top will cook again. Their briefis a tall order: to prepare a dish that celebrates theirfavourite drink. Whether their inspiration is beer, fine wineor a cup of tea, the level of creativity will have to bethrough the roof, as the judges will be calling last ordersfor one unfortunate chef.At the end, the best three will havecause to celebrate getting one step closer to becomingMasterChef: The Professionals Champion 2024.