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NOTRE DAME – Next Sunday, December 8, the arched doors ofthe Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris will open to the publicfor the first time since April 2019, when a devastating firenearly destroyed the great Gothic church. What will they see?Correspondent Bill Whitaker has a first look inside a modernmiracle of repair and restoration by workers and artisans whomade possible French President Emmanuel Macron'simpossible-sounding pledge to complete the rebirth in fiveyears. As Macron tells Whitaker, "The decision to rebuildNotre Dame was…about our capacity to save, restore,sometimes reinvent what we are by preserving where we comefrom." SMITH ISLAND – Located in the middle of theChesapeake Bay and only accessible by boat, Smith Island,Maryland is a place where time stands still, and its residentsspeak a unique dialect. Rising sea levels and erosion arechanging the landscape and placing residents at risk ofbecoming some of the country's first climate refugees.Correspondent Jon Wertheim meets these locals to hear howclimate change threatens their way of life - and the islanditself - but where their perseverance and pride are inspiringa new generation of islanders. KATE WINSLET – CorrespondentCecilia Vega travels to the UK for an intimate portrait ofactor Kate Winslet, Hollywood's most non-Hollywood A-Lister,and discusses her transformative journey to starring in andproducing her latest film, "Lee." Winslet, who has been avocal advocate against the insults and inequalities facingwomen in the film industry, relies on this experience for hercurrent role, portraying American photographer Lee Miller,who worked for Vogue as one of the few female warcorrespondents on the frontline of WWII. As Vega discovers,Winslet and Miller share a resilience and see the world througha similar lens, making her connection more than just arole.WELCOME TO THE WEDDING – After the dramatic exit of theUnited States military from Afghanistan in 2021 left thecountry under Taliban control, U.S. allies found themselves indanger. Correspondent Jon Wertheim reports on theunimaginable story of nearly 400 Afghans who were evacuatedunder the guise of a wedding party. Wertheim reveals thetreacherous, high stakes rescue operation organized byAmerican citizens and led by former Army intelligence officerJason Kander that concealed men, women and children in anAfghan wedding palace.